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Spring and Fall Cleanup

Seasonal Refresh: Comprehensive Spring and Fall Cleanup Services

At 365PropertyCare, we understand the importance of maintaining a property’s vitality throughout the changing seasons. Our Seasonal Refresh package combines meticulous Spring and Fall Cleanup services, ensuring your outdoor space thrives year-round.

Debris Removal

Clearing away leaves, branches, and debris post-winter and pre-winter to maintain a pristine landscape.

Soil Aeration

Promoting healthy root growth by loosening compacted soil during spring, aiding nutrient absorption.

Pruning and Trimming

Shaping and trimming shrubs, bushes, and trees to encourage new growth and maintain a neat appearance.

Flower Bed Preparation

Cleaning and preparing flower beds by removing weeds, adding fresh soil, and mulching for a vibrant display.

Winterizing Plants

Trimming and preparing plants for winter dormancy, ensuring their health during the colder months.

Lawn and Garden Preparation

Cutting back perennials, cleaning out annuals, and applying winter fertilizer to protect the lawn.


Applying a balanced fertilizer to kickstart the growing season and nourish plants.
